Mar/01/16 13:02
The class on gourd wind organs at the Upper Midwest Kitemakers Event was a success. Here are some pictures. None of the participants had worked with gourds before and the results were great!

Jack Daniel's Barrel Stave Harp
Sep/09/15 15:30
Great Time at Kites Over Lake Michigan
Sep/09/15 15:01
New Gourd Wind Organs
Aug/16/15 16:42
I will be directing a workshop and making these at the Upper Midwest Area Kitemaking Event, Feb 26-28, 2016. For more information:

Aeolian Tower Harp - New Sound Clips with Video
Jul/14/15 13:24
Aeolian harp with 32 strings. Sound clips were recorded separately from video. The main purpose of the video is to hear the layers of harp sounds, so turn up the volume, close your eyes if you want and listen to the wind sing. All sound clips recorded at: 46.891303, -98.698958.